marți, 5 iulie 2011

Cine-i sefu'?

Cand am venit in Suedia ne amuzam de copiii carati pe biciclete in spate, in scaunele speciale si cu casti de protectie. De curand au inceput sa apara si aici, ca in Danemarca, micile ”remorci pentru biciclete” in care se cara piticii. Sunt eficiente, mai ales pentru parintii care au mai mult de un copil de transportat.
Tot in plimbarile mele cu caruciorul zaresc in departare o bicicleta cu o tanti care pedala de zor sa urce un deal. Eu veneam din fata, urma sa cobor acelasi deal. Cand a urcat suficient, am remarcat ca avea si o astfel de “remorca” in spate, cu cineva in ea. Mi-am zis in gand: “Saraca de ea, ce mai trage din greu sa isi care copilasii!”. Apropiindu-se mai mult, am zarit “copilasii”: un dulau de vreo juma’ de metru statea tolanit ca un rege. M-am mai uitat o data la doamna: asudata, pedala din greu. Cainele: relaxat si un pic plictisit as zice. Mi se pare normal! Si imi amintesc aici de un monolog al lui Seinfeld, legat de adunatul fecalelor in urma patrupedelor: Daca ar sta extraterestrii sa se uite spre Pamant si ar vedea oamenii adunand dupa caini, cine ar crede ca sunt sefii, oamenii sau cainii? (in engleza suna mai bine: ”On my block, a lot of people walk their dogs and I always see them walking along with their little poop bags. This, to me, is the lowest activity in human life. Following a dog with a little scooper. Waiting for him to go so you can walk down the street with it in your bag. If aliens are watching this through telescopes, they're going to think the dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge?
I say, if this is where we're at after 50,000 years of civilization, let's just give up. I'm serious, let's pack it in. It's not worth it. Let's just say the human race as an idea didn't quite work. It seemed good at first, we worked on it for a long time, but it just didn't pan out. We went to the Moon but still somehow wound up carrying little bags of dog doody around with us. We just got mixed up somewhere. Let's just give it over to the insects or whoever else is next in line.”)

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